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The most targeted healthcare advertising opportunity in Greater Kansas City

is the only complete Healthcare Directory in the Kansas City area, and has shown constant, strong growth since its inception in 2003.

Partner with KCDocsOur visitors are Kansas City area residents searching for physicians, hospitals, healthcare facilities and health insurance information, as well as medical practice managers looking for referral sources and information.

For the advertiser targeting any part of the healthcare market, there's no better vehicle to deliver this regional, focused audience than

Our new Logo Program provides the opportunity to have your practice or hospital logo displayed right next to each of your physicians’ listings, helping your organization stand out from the crowd.

We offer several sizes of image ads, on over 370 pages of focused content. Physican and facility listing pages are broken into eight geographic areas, and physician listing pages are further presented in 33 different medical specialties, allowing extremely fine targeting toward these dedicated visitors.

Full Page Listings are also available, which provide a format for substantial amounts of information about your operation, along with your photograph or logo, and links to your website and a GoogleMaps® map to your office.

Contact us at 913-685-9477 or online and we’ll get you started today!